14 months later, and I am finally done knitting Alice Starmore's St. Brigid. It wasn't a hard knit. It did take concentration and certain amounts of available time. This was not a project where I could knit it in the car. I had a metal board with 5 or 6 different charts going at the same time, I had a counter to back up my magnet place markers, and I usually knitted this spread out across the couch (..and on the floor, extra yarn in my room and closet...). I also would stop and just look at the cables. In the end I added the same collar detail to the end of the sleeves. Though I did make the sleeves longer, the ends looked unfinished. I like this extra detail that I had seen on a few other St. Brigid sweaters.
It is a lovely sweater. As thrilled as I am to be done with it, I am just as sorry to see it done.
I am making an effort to finish up my projects. I am a little tired of large mounds of yarn with projects in various stages of finished. Though I know that this and the others almost completed will soon be replaced with new unfinished objects... that is the nature of the beast. But for now, just in time for brisk fall days, I have St. Brigid.
Darn Blogspot - I have no way of contacting you, New England Knitter, directly. I have everything on Ravelry, but here is what I used -
I knitted the large size.
Size 6 needles
I used just under 9 skeins (1980.0 yards) of Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted LP.
But in those 9 skeins I did a few extra things - one was to add the band along the bottom of the sleeves, and the other was I added 1/2 a repeat from the chart to make the sleeves longer.
Questions? email me at knitterbay@yahoodotcom
Very nice! Love the color.
It is freaking gorgeous! That one is on my must knit list. Not sure when I will get to it, must finish Celtic Dreams first!
Congratulations. She's beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful!
OMG!!! I bow down to your knitting skills. Wow!
INcredible sweater. Good for those Michigan winters!
So lovely!
beautiful! Well done
Congratulations, it's absolutely GORGEOUS!!
I have this sweater in my queue. May I ask, what size did you knit (bust measurement) and how many yards did you end up using? I have some yarn in my stash that I'm thinking of using but I'm so afraid of running out.. so your feedback would be helpful as pattern requirements aren't always accurate! Thanks so much!!! :)
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