Before this moment,T talking to Stephanie the Yarn Harlot, there was much planning.
On the Links' side - we left a little later than I planned. While filling the car on the outskirts of town T needed to go potty. Great - 5 minutes on the road. I had to call Ram-niss to bring the 'card'. I had every other debit card, but not the one I needed to fill the tank. Meg bought snackies. Not the ones that I had told her to buy, natch. So T was hopped up on slurpee and Little Debbie oatmeal cookies. Ugh.
Beautiful day! The drive was gorgeous, the girls were happy. When we arrived in Ann Arbor we drove all over these one way three lane roads looking for parking AND the library. Eventually we found a lot about a block away. Cool. We arrived at about 1. The seats in the lower area were filling up. Every time someone announced a seat was available, I couldn't get the three of us to move fast enough. Women who had just walked into the room, verses our 15 minutes of standing there, would just blow by and grab the seating. I realized that I just wasn't pushy enough nor nimble enough with kids in tow. Then one of the library people said that we could sit along the wall if we wished. Honestly that was great with me. We could spread out a little and it was easier for the girls to get up and move around.
During this time we were also told that Stephanie was stuck in Chicago trying to get a flight out. Looked like it was going to be a wait of a few hours in addition to the hour early we had planned. Fortunately we were at a library! My girls headed to explore. I knitted and chatted with very nice people in my area. After a couple of hours I began to wonder when the girls would return. Then it was announced that an impromptu Parade of Fools would commence through the room. (...and - No, family members it wasn't the knitters. I don't care what you are thinking. :-) The library had hat decorating for the children in honor of April Fools Day. I was hoping that T had a chance to participate.
Yes. T was in the group of children and parents coming through.
The nice thing about knitters is that we can wait till our knitting holds out. As time continued on more and more knitting was nearing finished objects. A few cheers went out when a sweater was cast off in the crowd. I wasn't too worried. Although I was almost near the end of my sock, it was the first sock. I still had the second sock to knit if I needed. Then I happened to glance at the doorway and I saw her. Well, that isn't right - I saw the sweater. Stephanie's Bohus sweater. I just started whooping. I couldn't say, "There she is!" I just started cheering. Several people around me looked confused till they saw her for themselves. Then Stephanie came running in with her traveling sock held above her head.

Stephanie had started at 3am that morning on a plane from Cleveland (? or Chicago, or Chicago may have been her start and return...) I am sure her blog will tell the details. She stated that she had been to Detroit twice that day. Something about not landing in Detroit due to fog, ended up in Chicago and not able to get a flight to Detroit. I have had bad dreams where I am going and going and yet not getting anywhere as it gets later and later. That was Stephanie's day.
Everyone was glad to see her. She was funny and articulate. How she can even function after the day she was having was a wonder! I must say that she was younger than I thought. Funny how when I read a blog have an image and a voice in my head. I pictured her my age (40's). When she talked her voice was lower, but the way she talked was the same familiar style as her blog. I was reading part of her book yesterday and there was a phrase where she stated that she had been knitting for 34 years. So unless she is Lynn, who claims I was Knit Together in my Mother's Womb, she does have to be close to the age I thought she was.
Knitters would understand. Knitters know.

Meghan said that she isn't yet a 'knitter' and definitely isn't a 'muggle' anymore. She says that she is a 'mutter'.
Oh! That sounds so fun! I am going tonight to see her in Chicago and I can't wait.
Why, thank you. I like to think I'm fun to get into trouble with, and always willing to find some. :o)
Please say Hi to T for me. She's lovely, and I had a great time talking to her.
T says, "Hi, back." And also I am to tell you that she went over to her friend Rachel's house to play today.
yay! It was nice sitting with you & your super-cute daughter.
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