Excuse me. She keeps moving.

Darn it. Trying to get T to hold her still.

Zoe! The newest member of the clan. Stella the remaining cat can't believe we brought another dog into the house. She is thoroughly disgusted.

Peaches favors the toys that came with Zoe.

Ram-niss likes Zoe. (So does T.) Zoe seems to be drawn to socks. I didn't realize how many socks were laying around in bedrooms till Zoe arrived. She is quickly learning the phrase, "drop it." Now that the socks are picked up, she is favoring felted clogs.

Tweedy socks completed, and not yet in Zoe's mouth. The new socks on the needles are being worked with the yarn I won from Stumbling Over Chaos.
It's got to be the remmnants of sheepy smell in the wool. Try knitting all your goodies out of acrylics, and maybe Zoe won't be interested. (On the other hand, I once had a dog that scarfed up anything yellow. Fabric, plastic, whatever...if it was yellow, it was not safe on the floor.)
Welcome, Zoe!
Are your completed socks from Meilenweit? If so, I think I just bought the same colorway.
Yay - the yarn you won is looking great!
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