Thursday, July 31, 2008

Savta’s Shell Pattern Afghan

With permission of the family of Sharlene Ungar, I am sharing her Shell Pattern Afghan in honor of her memory.

Background: This was made in honor of a family’s grandmother. She was called Savta by her eight grandchildren which is Hebrew for Grandmother. Savta found out that she had cancer back in November of 2006. At that time she wanted to make each of her eight grandchildren an afghan. She died before completing all of them.

The family started knitting the rest of them, but ran out of knitting family members. They needed help with #8. So I volunteered.

I love that this pattern is Savta’s. When anyone got an afghan from her it was usually this pattern. When asked what yarn to use, they said that she always bought what was on sale.

So with great pleasure, I knitted it in her memory. I especially enjoyed knitting it in her choice of yarn. This project is truly the thought and time that counts. I know that my grandma would have done the same thing. … It is such a lovely afghan I will make another one for us and remember her family.

The family has approved sharing of this and perpetuating her legacy.

Savta's Shell Pattern Afghan

*Please note that I doubt that she invented the pattern, it is just one that she always used. The pattern doesn’t have a name on it nor does it have a company that it is associated with. You will see her corrections on the paper.


Unknown said...

What a lovely tribute. It looks to be a perfect baby blanket pattern. One I will tuck away for a future occasion.

Anonymous said...

I knew there was a reason why I like you so much. In Yiddish, you are what's known as a mensch.

Larjmarj said...

What a lovely pattern and a lovely tribute.

I don't have the words to voice my feelings of anger and helplessness regarding breast cancer. I have seen far too many women affected by it.

Cary ~ My Wool Mitten at Serenity Farms said...

This is truly a memorable tribute and one that any knitter would be proud of...thank you so much for doing this and for sharing Savta's pattern and notes!

Linda said...

I love this pattern and would like to use it for larger afghans and for a shawl. Has anyone figured out the repeat of this pattern? i.e. How to calculate the number of stitches to be cast. I have been having some difficulty in figuring this out. any help would be appreciated

Shaylen said...

What a great thing to own grandmother made this pattern and i now have the book that it came in...its the the same thing without the fixes...Its out of the book"A Bouquet Of Afghans"it was put out in 1968 and none of the patterns were named...they were numbered.

Joel Ungar said...

"Savta" was my mother - Sharlene Ungar. For some reason I just did a Google Image search for her and this was one of the links that came up.

This was one of a couple of patterns she made regularly, and whenever I see it I do think of her.

My mother passed away February 19, 2008. The knitting project was underway shortly afterward. The finished afghans were presented to the grandchildren during Hanukkah in December 2008, and there weren't many dry eyes. I know my kids treasure their afghans.

Your participation was sincerely appreciated by my brother, sister, father and me.

Joel Ungar

Mompo (ravelry) said...

I was looking for a pattern and found this. I love the story and tribute to Savta! My decision is made - This is the pattern for me! Thanks for sharing!