Thursday, February 7, 2008

Large Marge sent me.

Lookie, lookie! I was the lucky winner/recipient of wonderful goodies from Larjmarj at Knizzle fo Shizzle. I have been reading her blog for quite a long time. I don't remember how I found her, but once I saw her name I was hooked. She and her blog are a lot of fun. Now I need to find a colorwork project worthy of this yarn.

So in honor of Larjmarj an excerpt of Ram-niss and my first date movie...


Anonymous said...

What great goodies! And, I am laughing hysterically at your first date movie!

Ewe-niss said...

yeah, he humored me - it was the midnight movie playing at the Meridian Mall. For many years we played this movie on the anniversary of our first date.

Larjmarj said...

I'm glad you liked all your goodies and thanks for the clip!! Yes, that's how I got my name, some of the kids at work started calling me that and doing the "Larj Marj" laugh when I would pass them in the hall. It stuck and I've been Larj Marj ever since. ;-) LOVE that movie, so many classic lines.