Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What does this mean?

This means I am done with my Christmas knitting! Yeah! So all of the nieces and nephews are done. Parents done. Son done. I have still have felt T's stuff. (Many photos aren't being shown - Ravelry people can see it complete there. Little brothers have big mouths... :-)

I now able to finish Ram-niss' sweater. (... and look... we still have plenty of winter left to wear it!) He wanted to wear it to a Christmas party on Friday, but the party we are going to is dressier than that. Though I do like that he wants to show it off. (or maybe he wants to embarrass me at the employee party.... I will have to think about that one.) Hemming and blocking are complete. I just have to get my courage up and put in the zipper.

Let the charity knitting resume. :-)

... and all the other projects floating around waiting for their turn...

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