Welcome Back Old Friend is done. I like the sweater, don't like the yarn. Next washing I will throw it in the dryer. It is a blend and though it is washable - I was afraid it would shrink. That isn't a problem. I air dried it and the arms were hanging down. They stretched too far. It also seems to stretch while wearing it. (No lectures about cheap yarn - I am learning!) I do like the color.
This is my sock yarn after frogging. I had one sock done. Too big even for large teenage son. Will check gauge using smaller needles and start over.
This is my mobious scarf that was taught during the knitting retreat. I wasn't excited about learning how to do this, but pleasantly surprised on how much I enjoyed making this. I will be making more scarves. Next time I plan on using heavier yarns.
This is currently on my needles. Lee and Purse - from Berroco. It is a cute knitted girl's dress. This is the back of the dress. I didn't think I would ever get to this point. Many long stupid mistakes in yarn choices when I first started. A few key instances - while knitting it in a completely different cotton yarn, and frogging it for the third time ... a very wise knitter told me that maybe that yarn didn't want to be a dress. I said that it had to be a dress and continued on for another day. Arrived at home, held it up to T. It looked awful. Wise knitter was right. Frogged it for the 4th time. Then I had to go find alternative yarn. Let me just say that there was a 24 hour period that I am not proud of and am sure that a LYS can vouch that I was bat-sh#* crazy. Lesson learned. In the end I ended up using my original yarn purchase. Though the color was duller than I wished - compared to absolutely every stinkin' purchase/return in it's place - this in the end was the best choice.
I know I am dense. My husband, Ram-niss, is just kind enough to not agree with me to my face.
I can't believe that beautiful looking sweater isn't perfect. But...sigh....the yarn is always wiser than we are. I'm still impressed with your speed. When we get that matched up with quality yarns.....holy moly!!
Your "Old Friend" sweater was gorgeous in person -- I meant to say something but my last remaining brain cell kept getting distracted. Beautiful!
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