Saturday, March 29, 2008

Kitty on the 'Pup Tent'

Originally uploaded by knitterbay2

What is this? What? See that sea of blue? Is it the sweater that has hounded me for MONTHS all because I was hesitant to put in a zipper? I am trying to finish up the few knitted items that I have that are pretty much done. If it wasn't Pi sitting on the chair every time I got up from the sewing machine, there was Lavender cleaning herself on Ram-niss' Pup Tent. When she was finished she started pulling out the straight pins BEFORE I basted down the zipper.

But in the end - this sweater was finally done. Ram-niss is very happy and he will no longer be hounding me for it to be completed. It also looks like it is done at the end of winter. Hey, if finishing a sweater is all it takes for winter to finally leave Michigan, then I will throw myself on the sword for the state. If this doesn't do it - I have a couple more that I can finish the last 1% to help push it.

Also completed is this Heart Baby Blanket made out of a cotton blend. I have another one in the works. I have a lot of babies that require knitted objects. I will not be saying who these are for - sometimes the blog has eyes. (Before someone emails me directly - none are for me.)

Odd story: Pi, my son's cat that he rescued disappeared while we were up at the cottage for the Christmas/New Years holiday. We couldn't find her when we got back. We walked around the house for a week waiting for a particular bad odor associated with dead animals. About the time we felt safe that she didn't die in the house, but must have snuck out while we were loading the car, our sewer backed up in the basement. The plumber assured us that it wasn't a dead cat blocking the pipe, but it was a root ball in our 'you will probably never have to call us out again after paying big gobs of money on this problem drain' several months sooner than our usual time of the year. January! Who gets root balls forming in January???... oh, yeah... Pi's story. Well, Pi Day came and went (March 14 - 3.14) and Pi was fondly remembered. Then last weekend Son and Mo were helping Aunt Katie and her family move into their newly purchased home several blocks from here. At the end of the day after night fall Son sees a cat sitting on her porch. He thinks nothing of it as he brings in more boxes. His next trip in he hears a 'meow'. "Pi?" She came up to him very very skinny and purring. He picked her up and set her in the truck. She road in the front seat just sitting there like they do it all the time. So she is now back home. If she stays for more than a few weeks, we will get her fixed and get her shots.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home long lost Pi!!

I love Ram-ness' sweater!! Very very nice!

Anonymous said...

I love a good feline return story -welcome home Pi! And the sweater? Excellent zipper!

Octopus Knits said...

Great sweater (and baby blanket)!

Wow, I'm so glad Pi showed up - I hope she stays put this time...