Saturday, September 29, 2007

On the road again

Originally uploaded by knitterbay
I am way behind in blogging. But since it isn't a requirement or an assignment - the three people who read this may or may not come back and see this posting. :-) This posting may be a little jumbled, there will not be any graceful segways between ideas. They are pretty much non-related.

Yesterday we were driving to Houghton, MI to take Son to Michgan Tech's open house. He is very interested in studying environmental sciences and was anxious to see if this school would be where he wanted to go.

So with work in total turmoil, late nights, phone calls, web updates we left early and drove north. (Blackberry worked till St. Ignace, cell phone had just a few dead areas In the UP.)

I will add photos of Houghton later today. This town is fabulous!!! I was really shocked. I have seen photos of it, but usually it involves a lot of snow. Then as soon as we checked in, I logged in at work, made phone calls to see where things may have been dropped. Ram-niss took Son and T to register at MI Tech and I worked.

Knitting content: By the time we were at Indian River I had finished the i-cord of one hat and completed another knitted hat. Sarah at the guild is our charity coordinator. So instead of socks I will be making preemie items using stash yarn. On the needles right now is a lime green sweater that matches the lavender one in the photo.

Speaking of the guild, I had a lot of fun at our first Mid-Michigan Knitters Guild meeting of the season. (I have always worried that when I have that much fun it may not have been fun for others.) They are interesting, energetic, and unique. I look forward to October's meeting.

Oh, and Zoe and I have signed up for Rabble Rousers dog class. I need some training. I do not behave well when other dogs approach us when I am walking Zoe :-) I was looking for a class, but was afraid of the basic obedience class because of the way she behaves around other dogs while she is on a leash. This class is specifically for dogs like her. So all of them will be awful. Zoe is smart, I think she will pick up pretty easy. I just need a structured environment with someone who knows what they are doing.

Photos of Houghton later. It is just too beautiful to let pass.


Unknown said...

Such sweet baby items! Looks like you got lots done.

Jenifer said...

I think we're neighbors. This is too cool. I have not joined or attended any meetings of the Mid-Michigan Guild, but have often thought I should.
Glad you enjoyed the U.P.

Amanda said...

Those baby things are too adorable for words!

Thank you so much for your positive comments on my blog. You have no idea how much that meant to me.