It started with a quilt that we had selected from Great Grandma Link's home after she went into the nursing home. I had it on display in our townhouse, but it just gathered dust. It was too damaged and very heavy for anyone to use. So it sat in my chest for several years. Too cool to get rid of, too pretty to just store, too big to display... Last year I thought of a way to use it. I asked Dave for permission since it was his family. Then I filed the idea away.
Christmas time came and I again checked with David. He said it was fine. So I proceeded to turn it into a tree skirt. I never had one, and always wanted one. So carefully I took the topper off of the quilt. The fabric was damaged in many areas. I tried to guess when this was put together. I am guessing 30's 40's. I discovered that flour/sugar sacks were used for the back of the squares. There is a lot of olive colors - WWI uniforms?
Back viewBack up close. See 'Saginaw'. I also found Pillsbury.
The extra scraps from the quilt will be made into ornaments for her great grandchildren. I hope to get them all done this year.